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Lowwaxx - Brittle Ep | Endless Rotation (ER002) - main
Lowwaxx - Brittle Ep | Endless Rotation (ER002) - 1


Brittle Ep

Vinyl only!

After Endless Rotation’s rocket launch with Andy Catana & Dorian Paic, comes round two of Berlin’s newcomer minimal house label with Gran Canaria’s Carlos Sanchez better known as Lowwaxx.

Founder of his equally entitled vinyl only imprint, Lowwaxx delivers two playful, melodic, mood-setting minimal tracks for ER002.

Canada’s dancefloor master Paolo Rocco is featured with a dub remix of ‚Brittle‘ with his signature driving house sound, which will make your body move.

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A1: Brittle

B1: Brittle (Paolo Rocco's Vibey Dub)

B2: Glide