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Lee Holman
Advanced Technology
Lee Holman is back on Knotweed with a record created like a movie score that would fit perfectly for a John Carpenter movie. Techno yet acid, Minimalistic yet tribal, ambient yet sci-fi, Lee's machines circuitry were used in heavy quantity to develop this piece of music.
Starting with 'Advanced Technology', Lee takes us to a trip in space. His spaceship is ready to go towards unknown territory. It takes off from Earth towards a far away planet. Maybe Mars, Saturn or even further in another solar system. Menacing synths accompany the heavy drums, helping us navigating into space. The trip is intense, meeting many fields of gamma rays, but thanks to its advanced technology, the ship lands to its destination.
Having landed on what feels like a friendly planet at first, the crew is in awe with what they find and start its exploration, full of hope. ‘Terraforming', with its ambient-like lush intriguing synths drives us through a new environment. We are not sure what we have found, but for now it seems we came in contact with a peaceful world. That is until the track comes to its end, when nerve wrecking repetitive bleeps warning us on what is to come.
'Cybernetic Revolt'. Something has gone terribly wrong. How long have we been there? Long enough for something to go awry. Maybe the discovery of unfriendly extraterrestrial life, no-one knows. Decisions need to be made, A repetitive drumbeat gathers the troops. Earth needs to be warned. Navigating through fields of meteorites, heavy acid driven synth lines indicate that we are leaving this newly discovered world we have so much hope in. The tension grows and grows. We are at war with unknown entities.
'The Warp'. It's up to the listener to decide what really happened. Did the spaceship make it back to Earth? Did the crew survive? Where are we now? Many questions are left unanswered. The atmosphere developed in this piece of music seems to indicate a positive outcome, but you do not really know. The crew is hiding something, they want to survive hence keep a secret from their fellow earthlings that might prove devastating. The more the track develops, the darker it gets.
A1: Advanced Technology
A2: Terraforming
B1: Cybernetic Revolt
B2: The Wrap