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Too Smooth Christ - Modern Drama | Voiceless (VLS09) - main
Too Smooth Christ - Modern Drama | Voiceless (VLS09) - 1

Too Smooth Christ

Modern Drama

Recently settled in his native Brittany, Too Smooth Christ returns with a 6 tracks mini LP showcasing various colours of his sonic palette. Laying down his melody driven tunes, from the more introspective / ambient Fairlight or Nanga O Wabi to electro ballad (Modern Dramas), giving a go to mid and downtempo strolly ritournelles (RZ1DX21 and Dronance) and a house jam (Soft Touch)

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A1: Rz1Dx21 T3

A2: Nanga O Wabi

A3: Fairlight

B1: Soft Touch

B2: Modern Dramas

B3: Dronance