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Various Artists
5 Universos Records, presents his second vinyl only release curated in Chile and inviting some of their favorite producers worldwide!
On first duties Chilean producer Claudio Solis opens the EP with ‘Arupa’, a speedy minimalist roller slap with subtle atmos as a result of intense sonic self-discovery.
‘Fast Tackle ‘follows on A2; a masterpiece by Herck, a track with groovy hats, string bass, sharp drums and a continuous vocal that will make you dance with your eyes closed and feel your body and soul.
Label boss 5UNIVERSOS opens side B with ‘Allmin’; track that it’s composed of a heavy bassline, scratchy sounds and a heavy vocal inspired on Charles Bukowski ‘The Lighting Heart’
Versatile producer Petit Batou closes the EP with a brilliant minimal/breakbeat track called ‘Camera Filming The Sebead’, glitching with beats and sound that will want you to fly on the dance floor and endeavor any sound system.
300 limited copies and vinyl only, always supporting Chilean producers and top producers worldwide.
Mastered by Claudio Solis
Chileans Are Playing !!
A1: Claudio Solis
A2: Herck
Fast Tackle
B1: 5Universos
B2: Petit Batou
Camera Filming The Seabed