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Logidy - Logi Tech EP | Unsilenced Music (UNS003) - main
Logidy - Logi Tech EP | Unsilenced Music (UNS003) - 1


Logi Tech EP

Logidy is renowned for his versatile range of original beats, spanning from dreamy soundscaped downtempo to captivating, high-energy dancefloor tracks. For his debut EP, Logidy takes a more head-on approach and swaps his bubbly sofa sound for four low-end-heavy dance tracks. In between techy and trancy, the first three naturally aim for the club while the so-called beach mix pays warm respects to a certain place in north-berlin.

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A1: Heat Check

A2: Logi Tech (Club Mix)

B1: Rocket Science

B2: Logi Tech (Beach Mix)