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Luis Del Barrio
Maximalpayés EP
This EP contains 4 tracks inspired by the dance music boom in Europe from the late 80s to early 90s. Luis composed all the tracks using a Novation BassStation, an Akai MPC 2000XL for the drums and sampling, and a Korg M1 for the pads and melodies, using the occasional VST where appropriate.
A1 “Miedo aqui estoy” (Fear, here I am) combines a fast bassline with a hypnotic melody, New Wave influences and shades of electro unite to create an immersive atmosphere. The message ‘no to fear’ being transmitted through optimistic and euphoric pads.
A2 “Neminem Laedere”, inspired by New Wave sounds and rhythm, this track uses bright synths to create audio textures that invite introspection. The hypnotic melodies repeat throughout, enforcing the title's message ‘do no harm’.
B1 “Noches y Amaneceres” Taking the heavy and dark rhythms of new beat and entwining the contagious melodies of Italo provided by bright synths, this fusion gives the track a unique bouncy atmosphere.
B2 “Violines en el barrio”, A track that revolves around a focus on sampling. The breakbeat influence accompanying synths with an 80s flavour and pads providing a deeper texture.
A1: Miedo, Aqui Estoy
A2: Neminem Laedere
B1: Noches Y Amaneceres
B2: Violines En El Barrio