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Anas M  &  Farid Odilbekov - PNHVN004 | Records (PNHVN004) - main
Anas M  &  Farid Odilbekov - PNHVN004 | Records (PNHVN004) - 1

Records (PNHVN004)

Release date: Jul 19, 2023

PhonicHouse1 presents the fourth pressing in its catalog, this time with Anas M. & Farid Odilbekov at the command center.

Vern & Mikhu complete both sides with a remix in their characteristic style


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A1: Dozhd

A2: Dozhd ( Mikhu Remix )

B1: Sneg

B2: Sneg ( Vern Remix )