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Roma Khropko  &  Riccardo Rizza - Planetary Summoner | Phonik (PNK06) - main
Roma Khropko  &  Riccardo Rizza - Planetary Summoner | Phonik (PNK06) - 1

Roma Khropko, Riccardo Rizza

Planetary Summoner

After a long break, we’re finally back with our first release of 2022.
Once again we decided to have a split EP with two young talents.

A side is taking care by Criminal Practice member Roma Khropko from Ukraine.

B side from the Italian artist Riccardo Rizza!

Vinyl only


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*Taxes included, shipping price excluded

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A1: Roma Khropko

Sun Summoner

A2: Roma Khropko

Lockdown (Early Mix)

B1: Riccardo Rizza

Planetary Place

B2: Riccardo Rizza
