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Philipp Boss - Blau Zwei | Det Gode Selskab (DGS008) - main
Philipp Boss - Blau Zwei | Det Gode Selskab (DGS008) - 1

Philipp Boss

Blau Zwei

The ninth vinyl release on the Oslo based Det Gode Selskab label, and you guessed it…more classy, and vintage sounds with an innovative modern take. At the helm of the release is the dynamite German beatmaker Philipp Boss as he explores refined 80s-esque flavours, with retro drum patterns, positive energy synths and charming bass lines. This 12” sees DGS broaden their catalogue with another essential weapon for the artillery of the tastemakers.

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A1: Blau Zwei

A2: In My Arms

B1: Summerpark

B2: Anxiety