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David Gtronic  &  Reboot - Deception EP | Personality Disorder Music (PDMV004) - main
David Gtronic  &  Reboot - Deception EP | Personality Disorder Music (PDMV004) - 1

David Gtronic, Reboot

Deception EP

These tracks were taken from the album ‘Head’s Above Water’. Over the last one and half years, we have been on a journey to record this album. A journey that has enabled us to discover more about ourselves, our surroundings, our desires, and our fears. We are thankful to be able to share this and we hope you’ll enjoy this music we’ve worked hard to create. - David & Frank

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A1: Deception

A2: What Are We Doing

B1: Chaos Ft Mari Kvien Brunvoll

B2: Kongafluss