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Pelle - Slapdash Intermission | JCE (JCE001) - main
Pelle - Slapdash Intermission | JCE (JCE001) - 1


Slapdash Intermission

JCE (JCE001)

Release date: Sep 18, 2023

Get ready for the arrival of the hottest record label in town - "Joy Came Early"! Their debut vinyl release by Pelle, with a remix by Man/ipulate, is a joy-filled explosion. This music will make you dance, dance, and wiggle your legs in sheer delight. "Joy Came Early" - the label that proves joy doesn't wait. So let's get our groove on and indulge in some delightful leg-tapping fun!

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A1: Slapdash Intermission

A2: Slapdash Intermission ( Man/Ipulate Remix )

B1: Double Standard

B2: Ghosting