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Various Artists - Rocket | Fantastic Friends (FFRVO003) - main
Various Artists - Rocket | Fantastic Friends (FFRVO003) - 1

This new released is dedicated to fans of minimal house and rominimal. Mihai Popoviciu, Christian Burkhardt, Octave and Nicolas Duvoisin are worthy representatives of these musical currents. On the A side, Christian Burkhardt brings with "Buto" a jazzy, happy orientation mixing funny keyboard, catchy bass and repetitive sound whereas "The Message" by Octave is a romantic and hypnotic ballad that will enchant you with its languorous atmosphere. On the other side, Nicolas Duvoisin's "Kempin" is a trippy dancefloor track as it has the secret of production. And finally, enter the acidulous mood of Mihai Popoviciu's "Fast Forward" with its rhythm always calibrated and like no other.


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A1: Christian Burkhardt


A2: Octave

The Message

B1: Nicolas Duvoisin


B2: Mihai Popoviciu

Fast Forward