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Martinesque - Curtain Call | Adams Bite (ADAM014) - main
Martinesque - Curtain Call | Adams Bite (ADAM014) - 1


Curtain Call

Adams Bite (ADAM014)

Release date: Dec 13, 2024

Adam’s Bite label manager Martinesuqe delivers his new EP ‘Curtain Call’ this November via the label, comprising two original compositions and one instrumental mix.

Basel, Switzerland’s Martinesque has been etching his mark into the underground over the past decade through releases on Adam’s Bite and as an integral part of the Swiss scene, heading up the bookings of the widely beloved Elysia club on his home turf up until 2023.

Here, Martinesque makes a welcome return to Adam’s Bite following on from his debut album ‘Think Outside The Box’ on the label in 2023.

‘Drama’ leads the EP and sees Martinesque lay down twitchy synth lines, squelchy acid bass tones and resonant flutters alongside spiralling dub echoes, murky vocals and crisp, shuffled drums.

The ‘(Instrumental)’ version of ‘The Final Hour’ follows next, shifting gears down to deeper realms courtesy of airy chord sequences, intricate off-kilter percussion and gritty bass notes all dynamically nuanced throughout. Lastly the ‘(Vocal)’ mix of ‘The Final Hour concludes the package, introducing a hypnotic spoken world vocal to the composition

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A1: Drama

B1: The Final Hour (Instrumental Mix)

B2: The Final Hour (Vocal Mix)