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Ninetoes - Finder | Kling Klong (KLING078) - main
Ninetoes - Finder | Kling Klong (KLING078) - 1



Crystal Green Coloured Repress !

Recut & Represed!

As always Kling Klong gives space for new artists and supports upcoming talents. This time Martin Eyerer & Rainer Weichhold had no doubts signing this debut release from Stuttgart's dj/producer Ninetoes as 'Finder' is obviously a massive stand-out track which has the words 'summer hit' written all over it. So it was just easy to convince Leon and Re-UP from Italy to do the remixes and help to make this release even more oustanding.

Support from:

Matthias Tanzmann, Loco Dice, Adam Beyer, Nick Curly, Butch, Riva Starr, Popof, Kaiserdisco

DJ Feedbacks:
Adam Beyer: like the leon mix!
Loco Dice: Will try. Please send me the WAV. Thanks
Nick Curly: schöner release....leon remix gefällt mir am besten, danke!
Matthias Tanzmann: woher kenne ich denn die Melodie Coole Tracks auf jeden Fall.
Davide Squillace: Nice one..
Monika Kruse: der leon remix rockt.
Tiefschwarz (Ali): nice nice :) re-up rmx is my favorite.
Butch: leon rocks
Riva Starr: leon rmx for me thx
Claptone: supersonniger tune das original
Ramon Tapia: Leon mix is cewl !
Gregor Tresher: Leon mix sounds cool.
Chus: Leon and Re-Up mixes for me.
Popof: Great remix from re up ! love it
Kaiserdisco: Original mix is nice, will try it out.
Wally Lopez: Leon remix are huge!! Support
Shinedoe: I'll try it out.


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A1: Original

B1: Leon Remix

B2: Re

Up Remix