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Frankie M - Peripheral Input | Soundrive Music (SNDRV6) - main
Frankie M - Peripheral Input | Soundrive Music (SNDRV6) - 1

Frankie M

Peripheral Input

Frankie from Atlanta has released an EP showcasing two tracks characterized by deeply profound synths and the elegant signature style typical of this producer. “The Operator” radiates energy and mysticism, propelled by a solid bassline that imbues the track with dynamism and virtuosity. In the remix, Detroit legend Gari Romalis lends his genuine touch, emblematic of his artistry. This release seamlessly merges the finest elements of both musical realms, expertly capturing the essence of each producer. It’s a testament to their skill and creativity, delivering an immersive musical experience.

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A1: Computalk

A2: The Operator

B1: Computalk (Gari Romalis Electronix Computer Story Remix)

B2: The Operator (Gari Romalis Electronix Os 9 Remix)