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FDEZ  &  AV1 - Split Series Vol. 1 | Santa Cata Records (SCR004) - main
FDEZ  &  AV1 - Split Series Vol. 1 | Santa Cata Records (SCR004) - 1


Split Series Vol. 1

We are delighted to present our first Split Series and to welcome three notable artists to the label.

FDEZ takes charge of the A side with three dancefloor tunes fresh from Barcelona.

A1/ ABSTRACT FUNK is an Electro House track with arpeggio synths and classic hi-hats following a fat bassline.
A2/ SUN FIGHT is inspired by a hot summer's day in the summer of 22. Including a vocal sampler from another planet and 303 notes.
A3/ RAVAL NOCHE is flush with hypnotic and spooky synths, making for an after friendly house track.

Two french producers who require no introduction, Chris Carrier and Le Loup, aka AV1 put thier mark on the B side.

B1/ MYSTIC POINT is a powerful track with mysterious melodies and a forceful rhythm, right at home in an underground warehouse.
B2/ TROPICAL EXCURSION is a hypnotic voyage inspired by the golden age of trance. Ideal company during an endless after.

Only 200 copies


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A1: Fdez

Abstract Funk

A2: Fdez

Sun Flight

A3: Fdez

Raval Noche

B1: Av1

Mystic Point

B2: Av1

Tropical Excursion