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Santi - Donde Esta Mi Parka EP | Sounds of Sirius (SOSNZ008) - main
Santi - Donde Esta Mi Parka EP | Sounds of Sirius (SOSNZ008) - 1


Donde Esta Mi Parka EP

Sounds of Sirius (SOSNZ008)

Release date: Apr 17, 2024

Sounds Of Sirius has the honour of introducing music producer & rising Chilean talent, Santi, for their 8TH release, who brings forth his EP with the Original Track “Donde esta mi parka”, with amazing remixes from Romanian producer Nu Zau , JNJS (duo formed by Jay Nortown and Jacobo Saavedra) and Ukranian Talent IO (Mulen).

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A1: Original

A2: Nu Zau Remix

B1: Jnjs Remix

B2: Io Mulen Remix