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Komakino - Outface | Esprit de la Jeunesse (ESPRIT0004) - main
Komakino - Outface | Esprit de la Jeunesse (ESPRIT0004) - 1



No doubt, Komakino´s „Outface“ has co-written the history of rave, trance and techno in the early 90s. Originally released in 1993 and produced by Detleff Hastik and Ralph Fritsch this tune was played by any DJ at any festival like Mayday, Love Parade and Tribal Gathering big time.

After 30 years it´s for sure time for a re-release and this package comes along with the remastered original G60-Mix plus next versions by the "creme de la creme" of techno universe, saying Egbert (Cocoon), Petar Dundov (Music Man) and Robert Babicz (Systematic Recordings). Enter the time machine and enjoy the good old days and futuristic sounds at the same time.

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A1: G60


A2: Egbert Remix

B1: Petar Dundov Remix

B2: Robert Babicz Remix