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Genning - Sunlight EP | TAMIZDAT / ТАМИЗДАТ (TMZ002) - main
Genning - Sunlight EP | TAMIZDAT / ТАМИЗДАТ (TMZ002) - 1


Sunlight EP

Vinyl Only. Limited.

MixCult Records unveils a new sub division of forthcoming releases under the name of TAMIZDAT, which in Russian TAM means “there” (as a reference of an aboard, western location), and IZDAT means “to publish”. It was the name for banned books and magazines published "there", that is, abroad.

Tamizdat Records proudly presents an EP that celebrates the substance of dub techno. With "Sunlight," Genning invites you to experience the depth and warmth of his sound, weaving a tapestry of sonic landscapes that resonate with the soul. This vinyl-only release is a testament to the label's commitment to quality and the enduring artistry of Genning, promising an immersive and unforgettable musical experience for audiophiles and enthusiasts alike.

This meticulously curated EP consists of four tracks, each contributing to a sonic journey that transcends traditional genre boundaries. Genning's ability to craft expansive soundscapes is evident, as "Sunlight" explores a wide emotional palette through a diverse range of sounds.

Immerse yourself in the hypnotic rhythms and atmospheric textures that define Genning's signature style. From the pulsating basslines to the ethereal melodies, each track on "Sunlight" captures a distinct mood, inviting listeners into a realm where the boundaries between genres blur.

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A1: Stair To The Sky's Rooftop

A2: Window To The Dub

B1: Summer Lighting

B2: Mystic Lakes