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Adam Collins - New Now EP | Vitamin For Ears (VFE02) - main
Adam Collins - New Now EP | Vitamin For Ears (VFE02) - 1

Adam Collins

New Now EP

Vitamin for ears proudly presents "New Now" E.P. by Adam Collins.

Step aboard the enchanting voyage of "New Now" EP where every spin of the record takes you deeper into a story spun from pure sonic magic.

As "Aacid Reboot" awakens the narrative, each beat a step into a world where music paints the unseen.

"New Now" EP initiates with ambient tracks seeding a ripple that escalates to a breakbeat epilog.

Sounds like a fairy tale, right? Try this Vitamin for ears and tell us how it was.

...............................Warning! .........................

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A1: Aacid Reboot

A2: Sombor

A3: Customary

B1: Roll Up

B2: Echo Walk

B3: Electro Spruce