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Adam Sellouk - The Antidote | Afterlife (AL092) - main
Adam Sellouk - The Antidote | Afterlife (AL092) - 1

Adam Sellouk

The Antidote

Adam Sellouk returns to Afterlife with a powerful solo EP.After remixing, and collaborating with, Anyma, Adam Sellouk joins Afterlife with his own solorelease. Blending melodic elements with crisp sound design, Adam’s EP emits a power fromits core. The opening track, a collab with KAS:ST, unites tough layers with a deeper layer ofemotion. On ‘Confusion’ he teams up with Glowal to splice a robotic vocal clip with a highlyemotive melody and melodrama to great effect. Lastly, ‘Poison’ is comprised heartfelt vocals,melancholy and potent stabs, closing out the EP with a solo cut.

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A1: Chronic W/ Kasst

B1: Confusion W/ Glowal

B2: Poison