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Keinemusik (&ME, Rampa, Adam Port), Alan Dixon  &  Arabic Piano - Thandaza | Keinemusik (KM068) - main
Keinemusik (&ME, Rampa, Adam Port), Alan Dixon  &  Arabic Piano - Thandaza | Keinemusik (KM068) - 1

Keinemusik (KM068)

Release date: Jul 10, 2024

When speaking of Keinemusik as the performing unit featuring Rampa, &ME and Adam Port, one easily can assume the last months being quite momentous. Wherever you look on the globe, chances are one of their frenetically celebrated shows has been taking place there just recently. And the prospects of the upcoming months are looking even brighter. That’s where this highly anticipated new single comes in. Emotively reminiscing all the past touring memories and building up momentum for the ones to come, „Thandaza“ boils down the Keinemusik sentiment to the essence, shaping yet another one of those set-highlights that will turn heads and hips alike. And for this one, they brought in congenial assistance by South African producer Arabic Piano, gracing the tune with his heartwarming croon and old companion Alan Dixon providing one of his utmost catchy and touching piano lines.

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A1: Thandaza

B1: Thandaza