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Aphrodisiac - Song Of The Siren | Nu Groove (NG150) - main
Aphrodisiac - Song Of The Siren | Nu Groove (NG150) - 1


Song Of The Siren

A 90s house staple from Nu Groove pioneer Rhano Burrell as Aphrodisiac, ‘Song Of The Siren’, is rereleased alongside three new edits and remixes from industry tastemakers.

First up on this four-track vinyl package, British underground leader Bushwacka! adds his production expertise to the iconic record, followed by two transformative remixes; the first from Japanese hip-hop DJs Dazzle Drums and the next from Girls of the Internet frontman Tom Kerridge’s electronic project The Gospel of Thomas. Rounding out this must-have collection is Rhano Burrell’s original Mediterranean Mix, ensuring audiences are reintroduced to ‘Song Of The Siren’.

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A1: Bushwacka! Edit

A2: Dazzle Drums Remix

B1: The Gospel Of Thomas Remix

B2: Mediterranean Mix