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Alphonse - Tribes Of Atlantis Ep | Klasse Wrecks (WRECKS015) - main
Alphonse - Tribes Of Atlantis Ep | Klasse Wrecks (WRECKS015) - 1


Tribes Of Atlantis Ep

Klasse Wrecks (WRECKS015)

Release date: Dec 8, 2017, Hong Kong

The last WRECKS of the 2017 comes to you direct from the studio of Alphonse, four tracks of bonafide and authentic hardware jams produced to the highest degree. Managing to be both unconventional and familiar at the same time, this EP summarises the expertise and originality of an artist that is well versed in the history of electronic dance music. Pressed on very special clear blue vinyl.

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A1: 8Am Man

A2: Green Grass

B1: Nosecrack

B2: Tribes Of Atlantis