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Manuel Tur - Alphalpha EP | Spaced Repetitions (SRP01) - main
Manuel Tur - Alphalpha EP | Spaced Repetitions (SRP01) - 1

Manuel Tur

Alphalpha EP

Spaced Repetitions (SRP01)

Release date: Mar 14, 2022

Spaced Repetitions is the brand-new label by veteran producer Manuel Tur. Following his most recent releases on Running Back and Lossless, the German digs deeper on the “Alphalpha EP”, fusing hints of sampled house grooves and bleepy techno synth work. With the lead track reminiscent of classic Parisian dark chemistry à la Motorbass, things get more driving on the B-side: the percussive “La Terre” leads us to the magnetic acid groove of “Immune Response”, rounding off this hypnotic three-track EP.

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A1: Alphalpha

B1: La Terre

B2: Immune Response