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Shiffer - Demon Dancer EP | SIAMESE (SIAMESE034) - main
Shiffer - Demon Dancer EP | SIAMESE (SIAMESE034) - 1


Demon Dancer EP


Release date: Mar 1, 2023

The EP marks the third release since emerging onto the scene in with 'Drunk on Hope' on the first Siamese Anthology back in 2017.

The name says it all: 'Demon Dancer' delivers what the title suggests, exploring the darker sides of Patriks creative mind. With that being said every song on the EP ist filled with the usual Shiffer ingredients: Groove, intelligent percussion, challenging harmonies, manipulated vocals and powerful kicks. The EP can be considered a mini album as all four original tracks are expertly crafted and complement each other. To further enhance the EP, another favorite of ours eternalizes himself on Siamese with Frank Wiedemann added his touch making "Demon Dancer" even more danceable. A mainstay in our sets since the first bounce.

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A1: Demon Dancer

A2: Laminated Dreams

B1: Demon Dancer (Frank Wiedemann Remix)

B2: Default Mode Network

B3: Phantom Phenomena