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Various Artists - Disco Records #1 | Disco Records (DISCO1) - main
Various Artists - Disco Records #1 | Disco Records (DISCO1) - 1

Various Artists

Disco Records #1

Disco Records (DISCO1)

Release date: May 18, 2021

Several years ago, the Disco Records DJ Crew members got their hands on a couple of original 70s obscurities, while these standout records shone brightly in their own right, the team finally decided to put them out as those obscure old records fetch eye-wateringly high prices on the second-hand market. Due to popular request & lovingly mastered to the highest possible standards, they are now available to play and share in very special moments at parties around the world. This will surely be one of the most keenly anticipated disco release of the year. For our first release, we are extremely proud to bring you at last, three very hard to find disco anthems on sides A & B in their glorious full extended versions

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A1: Superfunk

B1: Save My Life

B2: Say You Want To Party