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Manuel Tur - Rhythm Trainx Vol. 3 | Running Back (RBB05) - main
Manuel Tur - Rhythm Trainx Vol. 3 | Running Back (RBB05) - 1

Manuel Tur

Rhythm Trainx Vol. 3

Running Back (RBB05)

1x Vinyl 12"

Release date: Nov 8, 2021, Germany

Drums, please! Fortunately, Manuel Tur has plenty of them. The well-versed producer is no stranger to Running Back and a most-welcome returnee. Following the box-office success of 121 BPM on the very first Rhythm Trainx edition in 2015 – not to be confused with 121 BPM (1) on here – Tur prepared a whole collection of beating, driving, percussive, pulsating, fast and slow DJ tools, rhythmic repetitions and acrobatic adventures. A dozen tracks (including digital exclusives) Ranging from 100 to 150 Bpm, you get it all and then some: from tribal trace elements to Windy City patterns, New York house fabrics, robotic funk and some of techno’s DNA. Saves the (last) night of any DJ and your next mixtape.

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100 5 Bpm


110 Bpm


115 Bpm


121(1) Bpm


123 Bpm


125 5 Bpm


126 Bpm


150 62 Bpm