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Molen - Plastic Emotions | Exarde (XRD028) - main
Molen - Plastic Emotions | Exarde (XRD028) - 1


Plastic Emotions

Exarde (XRD028)

Release date: Apr 25, 2025

For the first time we are welcoming Molen to the label. The man is a true gem from the exquisite country Uruguay and has produced four unique cuts specially for the hub of Exarde. Each track shows vast and profound level of skill of the artist and are guaranteed to make the sound systems shake from inside to the outside. The emotions are plastic and have been captured bit by bit on this 12” vinyl disc for our sonic pleasure. Molen has been a close friend of the label for quite long time so it is a true honour to welcome him with a full EP which oozes the dark flavour that is so close and warming to the labels sound&vision. Having said all that, I think it is time to indulge into “Plastic Emotions” and give these four audio trips a spin they truly deserve.

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Pre order item Available Apr 18, 2025

*Taxes included, shipping price excluded

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Chronic Pain


Plastic Emotions