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Bs As Deep, DFRA
Living In Buenos Aires
In this vinyl we maintain the format that we have been proposing for a few years.
The idea is to include musicians to be able to achieve really musical tracks.
In this case we have the interventions in the different tracks of:
Jazz baileys: Pablo Raposso on Piano
Living In Buenos Aires : Gonzalo Rodriguez Vicente On Sax
Rhodes Senses: Pablo Daniel Quipildor on keys
Kiss My Soul: Juan Klass on sax and flute, Pablo Raposso on Piano,
Ezequiel Dutil on Bass.
all tracks produced and by Bs As deep and DFRA.
A1: Bs As Deep, Dfra
Jazz Baileys
A2: Bs As Deep, Dfra
Living In Buenos Aires
B1: Bs As Deep
Rhodes Senses V2
B2: Dfra
Kiss My Soul