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Che - Che Wax Vol 1: Buzz/Raga | Che Wax (CHEWAX1) - 1


Che Wax Vol 1: Buzz/Raga

Che Wax (CHEWAX1)

Release date: Nov 26, 2024

New label Ché Wax launches with a double header: Buzz / Raga.

‘Love Buzz’, originally released in 1969 on Shocking Blue's At Home, gained fame when Nirvana covered it as their debut single nearly 20 years later. The Ché Wax rework enhances its psychedelic drama with acid disco elements, making it a dance floor staple 55 years on.

On the flip, RAGA: In 1982, Indian musician Charanjit Singh fused traditional ragas with Roland TR303-driven disco in Ten Ragas To A Disco Beat, recognized as a precursor to acid house, predating Phuture’s Acid Tracks.

Ché Wax reimagines Ten Ragas with an electro beat inspired by early ‘80s New York music, bringing this hybrid version to vinyl for the first time.

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A1: Buzz

B1: Raga